Interface Builder high CPU usage hang Mac OS X
The MacBook Pro almost hang the other day, press a key or click some function then the cursor turned into spinning rainbow. Check the cpu usage in terminal console and…
The MacBook Pro almost hang the other day, press a key or click some function then the cursor turned into spinning rainbow. Check the cpu usage in terminal console and…
每次 Apple 出新機或是新版 iOS 我就頭痛 幾乎所有的app都得要拿出來renew一遍 再加上Google Admob沒事就改版 這個月光是把一些還活著的app Refresh一下就飽了 以下是 Refresh App 過程中碰到的問題及解決方法 記錄下來以免以後又重覆碰到 1.git - Commit Failed - cannot communicate to the command line helper 在 Project 目錄(有…